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  • Rob Woods

Saving cash & living healthy

Image via Pexels

The high price tags associated with premium health goods can deter people from pursuing wellness. You may figure that you simply cannot afford to eat the most nutritional foods and decide to keep going with your undesirable eating habits. However, there are ways to get fit for less. Here are a few tips to help you get started. For more information head to KinFit and request to book a session.

1. Saving Money by Getting Healthy

If you look at prioritising your health as a way to save money, it is a win-win for you and your wallet. Although your grocery bill may increase, cooking at home more frequently will actually decrease your overall meal expenses. Additionally, some health insurance companies offer incentives for lower premiums for people who prioritise their wellness with healthy food and exercise. Lastly, walking or riding your bike to local stores and eateries can help you with your fitness goals while reducing both your carbon footprint and fuel costs.

2. Eating for Less

In order to realise savings on grocery bills, it's a good idea to shop as thriftily as possible. Ways to save include purchasing nonperishables in bulk, reducing your meat consumption, and growing your own vegetables if you have the space to do this. You can replace meat with other protein-rich foods such as beans, eggs, and protein powders. Keep expenditures as low as possible by shopping sales and looking for promotions and coupons for nutritious foods. However, make sure you’re not cutting costs nutritionally; while skim milk is generally less expensive than whole milk, for example, full-fat dairy is actually healthier for you, according to Healthline. It's a good idea to talk to a dietician before excluding anything from your diet. KinFit provides such a service.

3. Exercising for Free

Working out at a low cost or for free can help your budget and your emotional well-being. Spending time outdoors is known to help people improve their mental health, so exercising in the fresh air can supply you with numerous benefits. Ideas for getting fit outside include biking, hiking, walking, and running. These are all free (aside from the cost of purchasing a bike) and allow you to soak in the sunshine while getting your heart pumping.

In terms of workouts, there are tons of ideas online. A quick search can return several PDFs with examples. If you have an iPad that you use for reference while working out, you can locate PDFs you save in the downloads folder by default but depends on where you saved it. Then you can reference your workout materials without depending on an internet connection. KinFit also offers downloadable programmes such as these with a fantasy themed twist!

4. Staying Accountable

Hold yourself accountable for maintaining your healthy practices by asking friends and family to join you on your journey. You can stay in touch virtually by sharing your go-to recipes and goals that you meet or in-person by planning group workouts.

For more personalised accountability, check out KinFit!

5. Monetizing Your New Lifestyle

Not only can you find ways to save on your healthier lifestyle, but you can actually find ways to make money with it. If you have an entrepreneurial mindset, why not merge your passion for living well with your desire to build your own business? Consider capitalising on your wellness knowledge by starting a blog that shares tips for healthy living on a budget, opening an exercise facility, or perhaps a sports equipment shop.

To appeal to as many consumers as possible, be sure to find a trading name that captures the essence of what your company will offer. You want to choose something that is both unique and evocative of what your business does.

Oh, and don’t forget about advertising! A big part of that means designing your own logo and spreading the word via social media. Luckily, instead of hiring an expensive graphic designer, you can just use this free online logo maker to generate something eye-catching that perfectly represents your brand.

Finally, don’t forget about invoicing. This is incredibly important when keeping track of whether your clients are paid up. You can start with an invoice maker that allows you to easily build your own custom invoices using pre-made templates. You can even add your own graphics and fonts to make your invoices stand out.

Prioritising your own well-being need not cost you a fortune. Keep the costs low by looking for discounts on nutrient-rich foods and opting for outdoor workouts. Remember, if you love finding fitness tips, you could also capitalise on that by building a business.

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